Seasonal Florist’s Picks Bouquet (Same-day Weekday Delivery)



  • Add 1 stalk of Pink Cymbidium Orchid, available for the month of March, to your flowers.

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Experience the season’s best flowers as our florists pick out the freshest variety from what is available in our studio to create a textural, nature-inspired bouquet. Each of our bouquets are designed to reflect the floristry style we have developed over the years — seasonal blooms are gathered in a way that respects nature, combines textures, creates movement and is beautifully balanced.

For the month of March, you may opt to add a stalk of the Pink Cymbidium Orchid – our Bloom of the Month – to your Seasonal Florist’s Picks Bouquet.


Small, Standard, Large

Delivery Type


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Occasions Price Range

Product Details

Care Information

The bouquet is wrapped in a bag of fresh water to ensure freshness in the delivery process. Upon receiving the bouquet, extend its lifespan by placing it in a cool environment, away from direct sunlight. Also, change the water in the vase and trim a little of the stems daily for a fresh surface area to better absorb clean water.

Packaging Information

Our bouquets come wrapped in brown paper with a water bag. This ensures sufficient hydration for the flowers so that they remain fresh between the time it is put together and when the recipient receives it.

Flowers can last in the water bag for three days (or more, if all stem ends are still sitting in water) but we recommend you unwrap the flowers and place them in a vase to ensure their lifespan is maximised.

Size Information

The bouquet in the image above is illustrative of a $260 bouquet.

View our size guide →

Delivery Information

Delivery/ Collection

These flowers are available for free next-day delivery. Place your order by the day before to have your bouquet ready for delivery as soon as the next day.

Same-day delivery is also available at a fee of $15. Place your order by 12pm to have your bouquet ready for delivery (between 4pm – 7pm) on the same day.

View our full delivery policy →